Monday, September 22, 2008

España es muy sexy

Another blog I wrote for

I know that I'm late to this whole McCain-Spain controversy thing, but that's because I've been taking a siesta. A wonderful, long siesta, which followed a wine-soaked paella lunch. This is just a typical Wednesday for me as I am now subscribing to a Spanish lifestyle. Why? Because Spain is a winner, and it boils my fiery, passionate Mediterranean blood to hear that McCain would refuse to meet with the Spanish Presidente or Prime Minister or Jefe or whatever. Spain is a winner and our country should befriend winners. Look at tennis star Rafael Nadal winning everything and having great hair. Also, lest we forget, Spainish futbol, that's soccer to you, won the Euro Cup this year. They also have great hair, by the way. Spain takes on those animal jerks, that's what I call bulls, and totally beats them, like every day. Spaniards also invented tapas and Pan's Labryinth. However, in case that doesn't convince you, Spain has no words to their National Anthem!! How amazing is that? They never experience embarrassing gaffes during major sporting events and fifth graders don't have to memorize lyrics that make no sense to them. If Spain's National Anthem did have lyrics, they'd probably go something like this:
Oh Spain, you are so sexy.
Flamenco is our dance and it is sexy.
Also sexy are our tiny snacks we call tapas.
We wear tight pants and sequins when we kill bulls.
Because we are sexy.
Spain Spain Spain.
You want to kick this country out of bed, McCain? Not sexy.

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