Monday, November 3, 2008


I have a fear that I'll somehow flip the wrong switch tomorrow and vote for McCain just because I spaz out. It's kind of like the whole don't push the red button because the red button will destroy the world thing and you just HAVE to push the red button. Remember that Ren and Stimpy where Stimpy gets space madness? Or was it Ren. It was Ren. That, I think, was my favorite Ren and Stimpy. Anyway, Ren pushes the red button. And the space ship explodes. That's more or less the scenario that will play out at my voting center. Or, like last time, a crazy dude who's registering me will insist that I'm not registered and then get really mean. Well soooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrry that I maintain a PO Box, dick. Yeah, I said it. That guy was a dick.

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